Adam completed his BBSRC DTP PhD in 2016 on structural studies of pathogenicity related proteins in C. difficile in the Salgado lab. He studied two important elements for pathogenicity in C. difficile:
investigating a complex of proteins that form part of the mother-cell to fore-spore interface during sporulation
structural studies, including X-ray crystallography, of the main components of Type IV pili, involved in motility and biofilm.
After completing his PhD, Adam became a post-doctoral research associate at the VMXm nanofocus macromolecular crystallography beamline. In addition to commissioning work at VMXm, his current research focuses on developing sample delivery methods that enable single crystal rotation data collection for microcrystals and nanocrystals, in both X-ray beamline and microcrystal electron diffraction experiments. Adam is currently a beamline scientist on VMXm at Diamond Light Source.